Sunday, March 7, 2010

February 2010 Newsletter

Dear Harvest Hands,

Much is being accomplished with your help and we thank you. As you recently read in our last newsletter, a team from Michigan came to build a yellow house for a family. Also, a team from Virginia came to teach the men and women here in Anonos and at the men’s and women’s rehab in Alajuelita, which is part of the CCA Church.

This past Wednesday, we said good-bye to a team from the New Life Church in Gahanna, Ohio, who came to build a yellow house. This house was built for a family of nine people! Some of you may know Lester, who leads worship here in Los Anonos. His father passed away in October, which left his mother a widow. So, because of the nine people and because the team was able, they built a home a little larger than usual. What a blessing to move a family into a lovely house, with indoor plumbing and more space. Most of the yellow houses do not have plumbing inside… maybe only to a kitchen sink.

Also, there were two women on this team who came to teach on starting home businesses, the Ten Commandments and conflict resolution. They also did some crafts to show the ladies how easy it is to produce something to sell for little money. They made great connections with the women in Los Anonos. These two ladies also helped to paint the yellow house that the men built. Thank you to all from New Life, who helped with this project.

One of the things that we are working on is helping families that are presently unemployed to find ways to make a living. You’ll hear more about this in the future. As this is something that we feel God is stirring our hearts towards…. helping those in need.
We have all heard the expression, “You can give a man a fish or you can teach him how to fish.” We can also equip him with the proper necessities to fish.

For those of you who would like to read a wonderful description of a week of serving God in Los Anonos, I am going to direct you to New Life’s blog. This was written by the pastor, Brian Robertson, who came with them and others. The last day was written by all of the team members about how the trip impacted them. As in all blogs, you will have to go back ten days to start at the beginning of the trip. The blog address is:

Here’s the New Life team in front of the house they built.

We will have a little break before our next team from Mechanic Falls comes in March. Rodney’s family will be visiting us this month, which will be wonderful.

We are still in need of a building for a church. Please pray about this. The possibility of getting the kindergarten building is not looking good. God has the perfect place for us to meet.

As we move forward as a church, we are in the process of raising leaders and establishing a leadership team. Please keep this in prayer, as well. You will hear more about this in the future.

Once again, we would like to thank all of you for your support. If you would like to financially support Harvest Hands, checks can be made out to Harvest Hands and sent to:

Harvest Hands
c/o Vineyard Church
P.O. Box 55
Mechanic Falls, Maine 04256

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