Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dear Harvest Hand’s Friends,

Spring is just around the corner in the States and it is almost “winter” here in Costa Rica. We have about one more month of the dry season. Then the rains will come again and make everything greener again.

This month we received a wonderful gift in the visit of Rodney’s family, including his 85 year old dad. What a blessing it was for us to have them here for over a week!

Our present team from Mechanic Falls, Maine, just left this morning for a much needed R & R at the beach, after spending 5 days painting two coats of “Salsa” red on our Harvest Hands house. They also painted much of the trim and the huge wall in the front! What a blessing to have that accomplished so very quickly.
Here are a couple of photos of our new entry, our back patio and a few team members hard at work!

Our weekly schedule of our groups in Los Anonos looks like this:

Tuesday evenings: Women’s group.
Wednesday evenings: Life group in the Quebrada
Life group in the “Mangos”
Thursday evenings: Teen girl’s group
Amigos de Dios (Friends of God), our addicts group
Friday evenings: Our young people’s meeting

The life group mentioned above that takes place in the “Mangos”, which is in the upper part of the hill on the other side of the river, was just started two weeks ago. It is at the home of David and Maria, who have three children. This is the family who received a yellow house back in January. They are excited about this life group being in their home. Already we have found out that everyone who is a part of the life group, who live in the “Mangos”, want help in getting their high school diploma. What a benefit this will be for them.

Also, in our Amigos de Dios group (the guys who struggle with addictions), several of them have asked Rodney if they can get help to learn how to read and write (in Spanish). Many of these are not able to read or write. What a wonderful way to be able to spend time with them!

Prayer requests: That more would come to know and follow Jesus.
That we would find a place large enough for everyone to meet together.
That the chains that bind the addicts would be broken.
Pray for health for us. Cindy is having some stomach issues.

We thank you for your prayer and financial support. If you would like to give to our ministry, here is the address:
Harvest Hands
Vineyard Christian Church
P.O. Box 55
Mechanic Falls, Maine 04256

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