Hello! I am going to try to start posting here again. I haven't posted in over a year, but I see that it would be a benefit to us to do this!!! The blog layout is new for me, so pardon errors!!!
We have had a
very busy summer (our winter and rainy season here in Los Anonos). And the busyness has reaped much
fruit! I hope that I can fit all
of it into this newsletter! I am
actually going to list what each church accomplished. The blessings that each church contributed are almost
overwhelming. This is the physical
work that was done. The spiritual
results are amazing and already, there is fruit.
*Youth Camp in the Mountains with youth from the Los Anonos Vineyard and the
*Flower arranging class for the women of Los Anonos. One lady, Brenda, in the photo, has already
been asked to work in a flower shop.
She was able to earn extra money for her family!
*Moving Rocks to build retaining walls along the river. In the rainy season, some of the homes are in danger of washing away when the river rises. The municipality has given rocks to the community to build walls. Our teams have been helping.
Manchester July 20th to July 30th
mural to beautify the community.
in the park
*Glasses Clinic in Linda Vista. 250
people received eyeglasses and prayer!!
*Church photo shoot. Beautiful
portraits and
family photos were taken of our church
*Rocks, rocks and more rocks!!!!
Summit August 4th to August 14th
*Work with children in the Mangoes..This was the first time that we have gone to that
area of Anonos and there were about 25 children. Another part of the community has been reached.
*Eyeglasses in Talamanca. Each
person who had their eyes tested, also received prayer.
relationships that were made.
*Garden in front of mural
*Benches for community
stations for our computer class. Read our September newsletter to learn about a wonderful program that is starting in the church
*Painting walls in the church
Life also participated in a going away party for
our intern, Julie Herrmann.
More on that next month!
Mission to Limon
August 17th and 18th
A group of people from our Vina Anonos
and other locals went to Limon to
minister to kids and young people.
We have been trying to instill missions into our church. Here is Jessie,
one of our new interns, ministering to some children.
We would like to
thank all of the people on these teams and the other teams of 2012 that we have
told you about in previous newsletters.
These folks sacrifice their time from their families. They
give up their vacation time to sow into Los Anonos. The people of Anonos see this. They look forward to every team that comes, because they see
the love of Jesus. The people of
this community are loved on by those who come to serve. The results are evident. Our people are growing to know the
Lord, to love Him and to love and each other.
Healing is taking
place in their lives. Healing from abuse, healing from being fatherless. As
these people get loved on, they are realizing who they are in God’s eyes.
Thank you, again,
to all of you who support this mission and Viña Anonos. It is amazing to see
the changes that have happened during the last six years!
Rodney and Cindy
If you would like
to support Harvest Hands financially:
Harvest Hands…. c/o Vineyard Church… P.O. Box 55…. Mechanic Falls, Maine…. 04256
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