Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dear Harvest Hands Friends,

This month’s newsletter will be one of prayer requests. As we now have some “not quite so down time”…..meaning that we have no teams until December, we have time to ponder about the past work, the present work and the future work, here in Los Anonos. Our prayers are put forth to the Lord with much thanks and appreciation of all that He has done. The teams that came in 2008 brought so much of the Kingdom of God to Los Anonos.

Spanish…. We have started our classes again. We need to be able to go deeper when we talk to people. . Please pray for a supernatural mastery of the language. And for more time and “inspiration” for studying!

Our children’s program has been changed to every other Saturday morning. This will be a much better time, especially since we are in the rainy season and mornings are dry. We will be giving and enforcing rules for the children and a new schedule, including music and individual ministry time. Our first day on this new schedule will be this Saturday, September 13th. Please pray that our new format for this time will be a blessing to not only the children, but also to the teachers. Pray that the love of Jesus will be poured out on these children, many of whom know no love at all. Pray also for an in breaking of the Holy Spirit on all.

Pray that the drug addicts will be freed from their addictions. Pray that the violence among them would stop. Pray that the violence in Los Anonos would come to an end.

Pray for the children. That they would have proper love and discipline and that they would receive the truth of how Our Father sees them.

Please pray that we would make the best use of our little rental house in Anonos. That it would be a place where God would be glorified, whether during the teen programs or during English classes, or just meeting with people. We hope to use this house more and more as time progresses.

On another note, I really feel that all of us should be Harvest Hands, whether we are here in Costa Rica, in Virginia, Michigan, Ohio or Maine or anywhere else; whether we are out in the streets or doing our dishes; whether we are sweeping the floors in our church or in our sick neighbor’s house. We can be serving the Lord with all of our being.
Please pray that we are all able to stay on course, dedicate our lives 100% to the Lord and to finish well.

Take the time to check out the FundaVida videos, three of which take place in Los Anonos….

Blessings to All,
Rodney and Cindy

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