Saturday, July 19, 2008

Things are busy here in Costa Rica. We are into a swing of having four teams come within a two-month period. We have had a team of 9 from Grand Rapids, Michigan and a team of 20 from Columbus, Ohio.

What a tremendous push for the Kingdom happened!! The Grand Rapids team did a wonderful skit entitled “Everything”. It is a skit about a young Christian girl, who becomes enticed by the world to the point of drinking, drugs and suicide, at which time Jesus rescues her. They performed their skit four times and many people were touched by this powerful presentation, including addicts in a drug rehabilitation center. Some of these men were touched so deeply that they were weeping. One of the weeping men gave his life to Jesus. A week later, when Rodney saw him, he was still glowing.

Also, the Grand Rapids team helped with FundaVida’s new project in Veinte Cinco de Julio, which we mentioned in our last newsletter. There is a huge amount of work to be done here.

The Columbus team accomplished a lot of painting in this building, as well. Afterwards, they played a soccer game with some of the locals. Some of these “locals” were sniffing glue and smoking marijuana, while the Columbus guys were playing soccer. One of the young men was sniffing glue in front of his two-year-old daughter. He is in the photo, behind his daughter on the pink tricycle. We did have opportunity to share with them why we were there.

This group of teenagers and young adults from Veinte Cinco is considered dangerous by most, however, what we discovered is that they all come from broken families and like the rest of us need the love of Christ.

While one half of the Columbus team was working in Veinte Cinco de Julio, the other half worked here in Los Anonos, in the little kindergarten. They, too, did some painting. They also did neighborhood prayer walks. These prayer walks are so very important and have been effective here in Anonos. People’s hearts are softening towards us and towards the Lord.

While the Columbus team was here, Holli, one of our long-term girls who lives with us, was able to attend the Eastern Region Pastor’s Conference to promote our mission, Harvest Hands. We would like to thank her for the time that she took to go to Pennsylvania to give us a hand. Thank you also, Josh Ray, for the fabulous DVD, brochures and display that you prepared for this event.

Last, but not least, we want to thank all of you for the prayers for Rodney’s dad. He is doing better and we ask for more prayer, so that he can return to his normal life. His name is Conny. Thank you for praying for Rodney while he was in Maine. It was a very trying time and being far from home is difficult.
Blessings To All!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I put a link to this blog on my page, hope that is O.K. Still thinking of you all often...
