Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dear Harvest Hands Friends,

It seems that whether the weather forecast says 90% or 30%, or even just calls for a cloudy day, it always rains.....really hard!! It is 3 p.m. and I am in my living room watching the rain come down in torrents. I really do like the rainy season, especially on a Sunday afternoon!

Our trip to Maine was wonderful, but not nearly long enough to visit everyone we would have liked to have seen. You all are a blessing to us and we thank you for refreshing us while we were there.

The flight home was exciting to say the least! We appreciate your prayers, because we did have an interesting landing with firetrucks and ambulances waiting for us. Praise God for His goodness! Nothing happened! We are now safe and sound here in Los Anonos!

As we move forward with the mission here we are seeing new developments. A new space for our meetings has become available, so we are working on procuring that. The drainage in the gym, where we are currently holding our meetings is being repaired, so that it will be dry.

You may be thinking, “I thought that they already had a building!” We do, but directly across the street another has become available, which is much more spacious and reasonable for rent. It has five rooms, instead of one. The five room home is $180 per month and the one room home is $100. It only makes sense to take the larger one. We will give up the smaller one.

The possibilities for this building are endless. We can use it to teach English, tutor students, have a computer center, have Bible studies, teach crafts, etc. There is also an area where would like to start a recycling center. We would like to teach the people of Anonos how to make their community beautiful. I believe that the Lord has placed this in our hands so that we can spend more time connecting with the people of Anonos and telling them about Him.

Yesterday, we joined Eladio Guerrero, the coordinator/director of FundaVida at a new (old) building for the FundaVida teen center in “Veinte Cinco de Julio”, a community where FundaVida has served for several years. This building was formerly a nursing home, but is now in great disrepair. It needs an extensive amount of work. But the vision for FundaVida is great. They will offer after school tutoring, a computer center, counseling, a teen program and much more for the children and teens of that community. Since our mission here is to help mission organizations and churches already at work, we will seize the opportunity to help FundaVida repair this building, and to continue the work here in Anonos, readying our new building for use.

I’ve attached two photos of this building. One is of Rodney, Eladio, and Alvaro, one of the FundaVida employees in a room that will be used for the computer center. They are discussing the work that needs to be done.

The other photo is of a young man who was doing volunteer work for FundaVida. He is 15 years old and a recovering crack addict. We don’t really know anything about him, but we do know that he is a very sad young man, yet was open to talking with us.

The third photo is of the house which we will be renting here in Anonos. The white fence next to it is the area for the recycling center.

“It’s not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process but God, who makes things grow. Planting and watering are menial servants jobs at minimum wages. What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving. You happen to be in God’s field in which we are working.” 1 Corinthians 3:7 (The Message)

Blessings to you All!
Rodney and Cindy


renee @ FIMBY said...

Wow, 15 and a recovering crack addict. Breaks my heart. Thank you so much for your love and service to our brothers and sisters in Los Anonos. We love you!

Anonymous said...

That will be such a great place!!! What a blessing!