September 7, 2009
Dear Harvest Hands Friends!
We have entered a new season here at Harvest Hands. It seems that our seasons are such.... January to April and June to August are team seasons. September to December and May to June are our “down times”, when we are just as busy in a different way than when teams are here. God doesn’t stop moving in Los Anonos when we have “down time”. He continues to advance His Kingdom.
We would like to welcome Steve Limerick from our church in Mechanic Falls, Maine! Steve will with us for a year. We’ll love having another man around the house. He will be able to help Rodney with some of those “manly” chores that Taylor and I are not able to do!! God always provides for our needs!
As some of you may know, I, Cindy, took advantage of the “down” time and had surgery on my foot on August 25th. And I would like to thank all of you for your prayers. It is healing nicely. This time as been difficult, because I’m not really able to do much. I thought that I would enjoy the idea of not cooking, etc., but I’ve found that it’s more frustrating than restful! I roll around the house in an office chair! I do stand up on one leg to occasionally cut veggies and help Rodney in the kitchen a little. He’s doing a great job keeping us all fed!
This “down time” has also been a time when we can spend a little more time in the Word and a little more time journaling. However, we have been very busy planning future events, which I would like to tell you about.
This week, Rodney and Jono, the young man who is working with us, will be going to Nicaragua to plan an outreach with the Vineyard Church in Managua. This outreach will happen in November. We are really excited about this, because the trip will involve bringing several of the young people from Los Anonos and people from La ViƱa Escazu– 20 in all. What a better way to involve them in Kingdom work! They will have the opportunity to serve in a community called Tipitapa, which makes Los Anonos look like Beverly Hills. 85% of Nicaragua lives way below poverty level. The purpose of doing a mission trip at this time is so that the DNA of the church is mission minded and church planting minded.
Please keep this trip in your prayers.
Pray for Rodney and Jono as they plan the outreach with the folks from
Pray for God’s favor upon those going in November.
Pray for all of the technical logistics (place to stay, vans, etc.)
Pray that the funds will be there for our Anonos young people.
They are working on getting their passports right now, the money for which was provided by a church that sends teams here. But they will need funds for the trip, as well.
Other current and future happenings is of course the baby church, which is growing. We have been meeting in our small “casita”, but 45 people in a 12’X16’ area doesn’t quite suffice!! So, we are looking for a larger facility for our meetings. We will keep the little casita, as well, because right now it is used 4 nights a week for various meetings...English class, meetings for those who struggle with addictions and our Friday night meeting which started out to be only for the young men, but has turned into an “everybody” meeting.
In October we are having our first baptism!!!! We have 15- 20 people who want to be baptized and I’m sure that more will sign up when we announce it.
Please pray for strategy for this new little church.
That God would bring us a larger facility.
That God would show us the steps to take in order to make it thrive.
That He would help us to train up some of the young people as leaders.
That He would give someone the heart to pastor it.
Please pray for us as we minister to the folks of Los Anonos.
That we will be able to find a good place for the baptism.
That He would give us wisdom, grace and patience.
That He would enlarge our hearing and seeing, to know what He is doing.
That there would continue to be a unity here in the house, as we now have
2 young people living here and 2 more people working with us. A
team of six!! It’s wonderful!
This photo is of our present Harvest Hands Team:
Left to right: Jono Calvo, Taylor Crossman, Luis Sanchez, Cindy, Steve Limerick and Rodney
Thank you for your prayers and financial support. We could not do this without all of you!
If you wish to make a donation, here’s the address:
Harvest Hands
c/o Vineyard Church of Mechanic Falls
P.O. Box 55
Mechanic Falls, Maine 04256
Rodney and Cindy