Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dear Harvest Hands Friends,

It’s always good to ask questions. I’m constantly doing so. When I read scripture, I ask questions. For example….. (get out your Bible and look these up)….
Luke 6:35 & 36……. What does this look like?
Acts 20:35……. Do I truly like giving more?
Luke 14:12-14….. Who have I recently invited for dinner?
Mark 14:7…… Any time I want Him?
1 Samuel 2:7…. Why do you send poverty?
Luke 16:19-21 Who is outside my gate?
The one who is addicted.
The one who is rejected.
The one who is afflicted.
The one who is hungry, thirsty, naked and homeless.
The unloved.
The unlovely.
The one who persecutes us.
The crippled.
The blind.
The one in shackles.

Everyday it seems we have to make choices. Often we have people come to the house from the community of Los Anonos asking for money, food, etc., much like we read in Jesus parables and teachings. We often can reason, “Oh, if I give him food, he’ll take it and sell it for another hit of crack.” It is the same as if we were to give money.

We get calls for clothing, school supplies, etc. We see the poverty daily and so need to keep a willing heart to give and to know what and how to give.

Our friend, Luis, recently had an encounter with a man who struggles with alcohol. He was outside of our gate and came to ask for money to buy alcohol to use for cooking. Luis said that he would drink it and not to give him the money.

When I answered, “I’m sorry, I can’t give you money,” the man became angry with Luis. He said, “Luis, you’re poor just like me. You know what it is to be in need.”

Luis responded, “No, no I am not poor like you. I have Jesus in my heart. He is my Savior. I am rich in Jesus.” At this the man turned and left. I wrestled with still wanting to give money to him. However the truth is that this man was poor, but even more so, because he didn’t have Jesus to make him rich.

It is true, as Luis said, that we, who have Christ in the center of our hearts are incredibly rich and have the opportunity to give so much more than just money or food.

So, I end as I opened, with a question that is also a prayer. “Oh, God, is it you who stands knocking at the door? Is it you that comes to our gate? How are we to help those who are in need?”

This is something we must all ask ourselves: Lord, if we have been given so, so much, and we have, then how should we give and when should we give? We hear you say silently, “Give and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour it into your lap. For by the standard of measure, it will be measured to you in return.” Luke 6:38 The Message puts it this way: “Give away your life, you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back – given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting is the way. Generosity begets generosity.

And a small update on the happenings in Los Anonos:

About 12-15 young men have been meeting every other Friday night with Rodney and some men from La Vina. The last meeting was about prayer and the video “Transformations” was shown. These young men decided that they needed to have a prayer time for Anonos. So, the attached photo shows you what they did. A number of them went to the top of the Anonos Bridge and prayed over the community. They asked for the Lord to come and transform their barrio. The next evening, the police were combing the area for drug sellers. We don’t know the results of that, but we do know that it was the results of the prayer that brought the police in. Los Anonos is in a transformation period!

Blessings and Thanks,
Rodney and Cindy LaFrance
Harvest Hands